Financial is an emerging B2B2C start-up launched in 2021, which changed the way financial service providers engage with clients. Revolutionary, Even is an online engine for seeking, comparing and even receiving recommendations for various financial service providers. The platform provides relevant information on different financial service providers such as banking, insurance, investment, etc. It is accessible from any internet connection such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets and even from social media platforms.
A revolution in the financial industry, the concept of B2B2C services, is becoming more popular day by day. These services involve engaging with the consumer directly through their websites through the internet. This process has many advantages for both the consumer and the financial businesses. The main advantage of b2b2c is that consumers are able to compare different financial products without having to personally visit the business or go to the store.
Major Benefit of b2b2c
The other major benefit of b2b2c is that it allows the consumer to make sense of the financial service options available. As most people visit several sites to compare different options, there is little advantage for a single site. In this scenario, the consumer base gets much larger. Furthermore, many companies will provide coupons or other ways of making use of a product without actually owning it. This makes sense for the consumer as well as the financial companies. Therefore, when a financial service provider allows the customer to make sense of the financial products available, they are in a better position to make profit.
The evolution of the b2b2c model also affects the sales techniques employed. Since the process is more direct and involves the consumer directly, many companies have been slow to implement strategies. Instead, they have adopted indirect methods of marketing in order to increase their sales. This includes mail advertising, press advertising, telemarketing and other forms of non-face-to-face interactions. However, this has created a problem as some customers are reluctant to make a purchase because the sales techniques used do not match up to the level of service that they expect or need.
This is where the b2b2c concept enters the picture. By establishing b2b2c partnerships, the financial company has the opportunity to increase its revenue by promoting its own product and increasing its customer experience. By promoting the product and increasing the customer experience, the financial company has the chance to maintain ownership of the product and can make a profit off of it. In fact, there are companies out there that actually work with b2b2c partnerships. Examples include American Express, Citibank and PNC Bank.
However, establishing b2b2c partnerships requires a good strategy and some patience on the part of the company that is looking to partner with a second-party. For one thing, the financial company will want to look at the current customer base before taking on another business. Second, the financial company may want to look at the current channel partners to see what each of their offerings offers the company. Third, the financial institution might want to look into how the new channel partners would integrate themselves into the company's overall sales mix.
Another way that the b2b2c model can be successful is when the channel partnership is formed between a financial company and another company that caters to a certain niche of consumers. In this case, the company selling the product serves as the middleman and brings the savings right back to the company that sells it. The advantages here are that the savings will come from a captive audience and the cost savings will come from having the direct access to a marketer's consumers. However, the disadvantages here are that the middleman has to make sure he has enough of a presence in the target market to really be able to take advantage of a b2b2c relationship. Finally, the company selling the product may have to offer some incentive to get a channel partner signed up.
One example of successful b2b2c partnerships with grocery stores comes from Instacart. Instacart has formed a strategic alliance with several grocery stores including Supervalu and Marketworks to deliver grocery delivered meals to consumers. With these grocery store chains, consumers will have access to more choices for more foods and more variety. This means more opportunity for the consumer to save money and to get quality food delivered to their door. For Instacart, this is the perfect way to enter the burgeoning market for e-commerce grocery stores.
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